Sunday, 19 August 2007

Surviving Serbia

Greetings from Nis, in south east Serbia. My trip is going well and I found the strength to carry on. The section in Serbia has been easily the most adventurous so far. I have been interviwed by local TV stations and the local press, I have met a range of Serbians - all of whom are friendly and welcoming, and I have met an Iranian who is walking from London to the Persian Gulf for peace. There seems to be a problem with this blog account, but I'll try and post this and some pictures.


Jan Devogelaere said...

Hello Paul,
You remember me? We met at the camping of Onkerzele (Flanders) on May 17, one day before your trip to Brussels. In the meantim, my adventure has come to an end: my pilgrimage to Assisi in Italy was a success: I arrived on August 1, 76 days after my departure May 17. I arrived 5 days before the targeted date of August 6. After a holiday of 10 days in Umbria with my wife and daugher of 12, I returned to Belgium (by plane) on August 16. I wish you all the best for the rest of your trip to Istanbul. I hope you will get the strength and perseverance to continue and always find good people around you in order to meet your goal. With St Francis (Assisi) I greet you with a warm Pace e Bene! Jan

Dragana said...

Hey Paul,

Glad you survived my homeland, many people didn't:) (hope you got to appreciate our black humour a bit on the way).
I survived my US road trip and it was fantastic!
Good luck with the rest of your journey!